



About Us

MESA-OUTREACH, INC. in a 501(c)(3) community outreach nonprofit corporation providing assistance so the most vulnerable can improve the quality of their future. As a Houston Food Bank Partner Agency, MESA's Food Pantry distributes basic emergency food staples on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm by appointment only, to registered clients within our zip codes. Monthly distributions of Fresh Produce from the HFB's Produce Truck on the 3rd Saturday from 8:30 am - 11:00 am., Annual Community Outreach Events: August - Stuff the Bus, November - Share the Table and December - HFB's Share Your Holidays - Holiday Food Box distribution site. The Books to Kids program provides gently used books to elementary children PreK-5th grade to encourage reading and literacy. MESA's Scholarship Program provides funding and encourages graduating High School Seniors to continue their post high school education either in college or a trade school for up to 4 years. Visit our website at www.mesa-outreach.org for more information, to sign up for services, to volunteer, or to find additional resources. We welcome neighbors in need, we are focused on helping children in our community by providing basic needs and programs that will help to improve the quality of their future. We welcome everyone who can offer their talents, resources and time with a desire to support their community. We do this because we are neighbors. By helping each other, we build a stronger community. Welcome, we've been waiting for you, there's a place for everyone at our table.


  • Food Pantry
  • HFB Produce Truck
  • HFB Senior Box Program
  • Books to Kids Program
  • Scholarships


MESA's Food Pantry located at 16000 Rippling Water Dr. Hou 77084 on the campus of Bear Creek UMC.
Brownie Troop shares cookies with the MESA's Food Pantryclients
Jeanie & Gordon Borawski-Apr 2023-MESA's New Food Pantry Mgr and her husband
Lots of cars with families needing assistance and waiting to receive food, produce, bread, etc.
Loading a client's car with groceries at drive through distribution
2022 Marie M. MESA's 1st Scholarship Winner & SFA College Graduate
Alex Vargus - MESA's 2nd Scholarship Winner & College Graduate from North Texas Univ.
2023 Souper Bowl of Caring Award - Harmony Achievement School
Lowery Elem - CubScout Pack 1445 - Souper Bowl of Caring 2022 Winners & 2023-2nd Place
2023 Stuff the Bus at Bear Creek Elem. Olin Volunteers, CeCe, and BCE Counselor
Thank you to the 2023 Stuff the Bus Supporters/Donors & Volunteers
CWC - Pink Ladies - Volunteers & Supporters of MESA-OUTREACH
Olin Volunteers come regularly to help at MESA's Food Pantry - Thank you Olin!
Canisha Scott and Janet Balboni - Key MESA Volunteer & President
MESA Food Pantry's Wednesday Ladies - Super Volunteers
Luke & Cindy Wolters - Peace Community Church - Great MESA Volunteers
2022 Birdies for Charity Award to MESA-OUTREACH
2023 Birdies for Charity-Brian, Lisa, Steve and Beth
Jeanne Coleman & Janet Balboni MESA Board Members
Outstanding Long-time Volunteers: Amber & Jerry Woodman & Elizabeth Vargus
Janet C & Janelle M-BOD & Lisa M. - 3 Key Worker Bees
Grocery Direct Volunteers: Bryan G, Rene M, Al B. with Janet B.
The Food Pantry Leaders, Beth Herold, Asst Mgr, Janet Newsom, Pantry Mgr, Steve Herold-Volunteer Extraordinaire
Food Pantry Distribution
3rd Saturday's Produce Truck Distribution & Volunteer runners
HFB Mobile Food Truck delivers to MESA's Food Pantry 2021

Rep/Contact Info

Ms. Jennifer Adkins
Executive Director
  • Phone: (281) 599-8536
Mr. Janet Balboni
Board Member
David Davis
Board President
Amy Lundblad
Volunteer Coordinator
Deborah Plattsmier
Board Member
Maria Urrutia
Interim Pantry Manager